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SpecSync for Jira

The successful scenario synchronization product is now also available for Jira!

Synchronization tool for integrating BDD scenarios with Jira

We are delighted to announce that our scenario synchronization tool used by many companies to provide traceability with their BDD scenarios is now also available for Atlassian Jira Software.

The first release already supports the most commonly used scenarios and features but we continue improving the product. Make sure you check the feature availability below. If you have any feedback, question or suggestion, please contact us.

SpecSync for Jira works similarly to SpecSync for Azure DevOps. Therefore for general guidance about the concept, please check out the SpecSync for Azure DevOps overview page and the SpecSync for Azure DevOps documentation.

This page contains further information about:

Supported Systems

Currently SpecSync for Jira supports Jira systems with REST API v3 support, which is available in Jira Cloud currently. We work on supporting Jira Server that will be available soon. Please contact us for more details.

As Jira does not have a built-in Test Case Management (TCM) solution, teams using Jira need to choose from different TCM solutions in Jira. The different solutions require different synchronization solutions, but we are committed to provide support for the TCM solutions of our clients.

The following Jira TCM solutions are currently supported or planned.

Jira TCM SolutionSupportDescription
Jira TCM CustomizationSupportedThis solution works with any Jira projects. You need to add a custom issue type to store the Test Cases (e.g. ‘Test Case’) and a custom field in the issue type to store the Test Case steps as formatted text (e.g. ‘Test Case Steps’). Optionally you can also define a custom field for storing the scenario in Gherkin format as well.
XrayPlanned for v1.1Support for Jira projects using the Xray extension app.
Zephyr SquadPlanned for v2Support for Jira projects using the Zephyr Squad extension app (formerly Zephyr for Jira).
Zephyr ScalePlanned for v2Support for Jira projects using the Zephyr Scale extension app (formerly Test Management for Jira, TM4J).

Pricing & Orders

The pricing model of SpecSync for Jira is similar to SpecSync for Azure DevOps. You can purchase subscriptions for teams. The base subscription package provides a subscription for 3 teams, but you can buy additional extensions for further teams.

SpecSync for Jira offers three editions:

  • Free – SpecSync for Jira standard features can be used without subscription for free, for synchronizing up to 30 scenarios.
  • Standard – The Standard edition can be used for up to 300 scenarios and includes unlimited email support and 2×30 min online support per year.
  • Enterprise – The Enterprise edition allows you to use all the standard and enterprise features without limitation. The subscription includes unlimited priority email support and 5×30 min online support per year.

The SpecSync for Jira license allows you to use the product for 1 year:

  • Standard: €990 + VAT for 3 teams / year; €299 per additional teams / year 
  • Enterprise: €2490 + VAT for 3 teams / year; €749 per additional teams / year 

Please contact us for questions or license inquiries!

Feature Availability

The list below contains all the features of SpecSync for Azure DevOps and their availability or limitations in SpecSync for Jira.

Generic features

Authentication optionsSupportedAPI Tokens (Atlassian account settings / security)
Configuration fileSupported 
Hierarchical configuration filesSupported 
SpecSync PluginsSupportedTest result publishing related services are not used.Existing SpecSync ADO v3 plugins source-code compatible, but need to be compiled with SpecSync.Jira.PluginDependency package.

Features related to the “push” command

Scenario LinkSupported 
Scenario UpdateSupportedTemporary limitation: Reports scenarios as “updated” when the last change was a link add/remove
Synchronize TitleSupported 
Synchronize StepsSupported 
Synchronize TagsSupported 
Synchronize Steps: Data TablesSupported 
Synchronize Steps: DocStringsSupported 
Synchronize Steps: Scenario OutlinesSupported 
Synchronize LinksSupportedExcept “parent link”
Synchronize Pull Request LinksNot availableNo matching concept
Synchronize StatePlanned for v2 
Synchronize AreaPlanned for v3+Matching Jira concepts are currently evaluated
Synchronize IterationPlanned for v3+Matching Jira concepts are currently evaluated
Synchronize AutomationPlanned for v3+Matching Jira concepts are currently evaluated
Synchronize AttachmentsPlanned for v2 
Synchronize Local Test Case SourcePlanned for v1.1The “customFieldUpdates” customization can be used for it
Format: useExpectedResultPlanned for v2For those TCM Solutions that have matching concept
Format: syncDataTableAsTextNot available 
Format: prefixBackgroundStepsSupported 
Format: prefixTitleSupported 
Format: showParameterListStepSupportedMight be obsolete later, as the ADO limitation might not be applicable
Customization: fieldDefaultsSupportedField ID or field name can be used
Customization: customFieldUpdatesSupportedField ID or field name can be usedUse “{!ADF}” prefix to convert result to “Atlassian Document Format”
Customization: ignoreTestCaseStepsSupported 
Customization: ignoreTestCaseTagsSupported 
Customization: ignoreNotSupportedLocalTagsSupported 
Customization: tagTextMapTransformationSupported 
Customization: branchTagSupported 
Customization: resetTestCaseStatePlanned for v2Depends on State Synchronization
Customization: linkOnChangeSupportedPull Request links are not supperted
Test Suite Remote Scope (Include synchronized Test Cases to a Test Suite)Planned for v2For those TCM Solutions that have matching concept
Local Scopes (Excluding scenarios from synchronization)Supported 

Features related to the “pull” command

Pulling Test Case changes to local scenariosSupported 
Pulling new Test Cases as feature filesPlanned for v2Depends on Remote Scope

Features related to the “re-link” command

Re-link scenarios to new Test CasesPlanned for v3+Not supported, as it depends on “Copy Test Plan” ADO feature.Later can be considered in a way that the cloning will be performed by the command itself.

Features related to the “publish-test-results” command

Publishing test result filesPlanned for v3+The TCM Solutions handle this anyway usually.For some TCM Solution it can be implemented.
Support for Azure DevOps Test Plan / Test Suite based test executionNot availableNo such concept in Jira.The SpecFlow plugins are not needed.
Customization: multiSuitePublishTestResultsNot availableNo generic Test Suite – Test Result association


SpecSync for Jira can be installed in different ways depending on the project context.

For machines with .NET Core installed, the easiest way is to install SpecSync as a .NET tool, but you can also download native binaries for WindowsmacOS or Linux. SpecSync can also be used as a Docker container.

For all installation options and detailed instructions, please check the Installation & Setup documentation page of SpecSync for Azure DevOps. The installation of SpecSync for Jira is similar, except:

  • The NuGet package for .NET tool installation is: SpecSync.Jira
  • The NuGet package for .NET Console App installation is: SpecSync.Jira.Console
  • The executable used by the native binaries is called SpecSync4Jira (instead of SpecSync4AzureDevOps)
  • The SpecSync for Jira Docker image is called specsolutions/specsync4jira

The native binaries can be downloaded from the Downloads page. 

The official SpecSync Docker images are on Docker Hub.


The SpecSync for Jira documentation can be downloaded. If you have any feedback, question or suggestion, please contact us.