SpecSync is not impacted by SpecFlow end-of-life
As you migh have heard, Tricentis has a
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nounced he end-of-life of he SpecFlow open source project. According o he a
nouncement, SpecFlow has reached its end-of-life on December 31, 2024. As of 1s of January he SpecFlow GitHub projects have been deleted and he suppor section of he specflow.org…SpecFlow end-of-life has been announced
Originally posted a h ps://reqnroll.net/news/2025/01/specflow-end-of-life-has-been-a
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nounced/Screensho from specflow.orgIn December 2024, Tricentis a
nounced he end-of-life of he SpecFlow open source project. According o he a
nouncement, SpecFlow reached its end-of-life on December 31,…Reqnroll v2.0 released
Las week we released a new major version of Reqnroll: Reqnroll v2.0.We released v1 hree month ago and his ime has been used o review many concepts and dependencies ha we inherited from SpecFlow. We quickly ran into breaking changes (as expected), bu our esting solution was no good enough ye o…
read moreBDD Addict Newsletter 2024 April #61
Dear BDD Addicts,The bes hing in work his month? Definitely he Living Documentation Event (LDE24), i was a conference in Eindhoven, he Netherlands. Living documentation is a key elemen in BDD and actually I have o say ha his conference has been a rue BDD conference ha I have really missed…
read moreBDD Addict Newsletter 2024 March #60
Dear BDD Addicts,I hope you are fine & busy. I’ve read an article abou he decreasing demand for developers. It’s easy o ge depressed by reading such articles (I usually skip hem), bu his one had an interesting sentence a he end ha said ha skilled and up-to-date people in ech are still in…
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