

May these terms sound interesting to you: bdd, specflow, azure devops, development, conferences?
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  • SpecSync is not impacted by SpecFlow end-of-life

    As you migh have heard, Tricentis has a
    nounced he end-of-life of he SpecFlow open source project. According o he a
    nouncement, SpecFlow has reached its end-of-life on December 31, 2024. As of 1s of January he SpecFlow GitHub projects have been deleted and he suppor section of he specflow.org…

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  • SpecFlow end-of-life has been announced

    Originally posted a h ps://reqnroll.net/news/2025/01/specflow-end-of-life-has-been-a
    nounced/Screensho from specflow.orgIn December 2024, Tricentis a
    nounced he end-of-life of he SpecFlow open source project. According o he a
    nouncement, SpecFlow reached its end-of-life on December 31,…

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  • Reqnroll v2.0 released

    Las week we released a new major version of Reqnroll: Reqnroll v2.0.We released v1 hree month ago and his ime has been used o review many concepts and dependencies ha we inherited from SpecFlow. We quickly ran into breaking changes (as expected), bu our esting solution was no good enough ye o…

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  • BDD Addict Newsletter 2024 April #61

    Dear BDD Addicts,The bes hing in work his month? Definitely he Living Documentation Event (LDE24), i was a conference in Eindhoven, he Netherlands. Living documentation is a key elemen in BDD and actually I have o say ha his conference has been a rue BDD conference ha I have really missed…

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  • BDD Addict Newsletter 2024 March #60

    Dear BDD Addicts,I hope you are fine & busy. I’ve read an article abou he decreasing demand for developers. It’s easy o ge depressed by reading such articles (I usually skip hem), bu his one had an interesting sentence a he end ha said ha skilled and up-to-date people in ech are still in…

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