This BDD training shows how to write and maintain executable specification that is easy to maintain even for a larger number of tests. The attendees shall expect a lot of exercises and discussions, through which they can learn about all important aspects of BDD.
The attendees receive a certificate upon the successful completion of the course.
Course length: 2 x 4 hours (with 1 coffee break per session)
Due to having good experiences with delivering remote courses during Covid, this course is also going to be delivered LIVE-ONLINE. We will use Teams and Miro (the attendees will be informed on further technical details in time).
Daily schedule: 2:00 pm CEST till 6:00 pm CEST, with 1 coffee break
(8:00 am EDT till 12:00 pm EDT, with 1 coffee break)
(5:30 pm IST till 9:30 pm IST, with 1 coffee break)
Target audience
The course is for the entire team: Product Owners, Business Analysts, Testers, Developers … – anyone involved in specification/requirement workshops that yield formalized Gherkin specifications. No development knowledge or laptops required.
Course language: ENGLISH.
Learn how to:
- work with Behavior Driven Development
- involve testers and other members of the team already for the detailed specification process
- improve requirement gathering by focusing on rules and examples
- write and maintain executable specification using the Gherkin (Given/When/Then) specification format
- become a strong member of a BDD team
Ticket options
Regular price:
- 599 EUR + VAT
Early bird prices until 30 APRIL 2025:
- 499 EUR + VAT
The tickets can be ordered by email or by clicking the “Join now!” button below. For special sales requests, please contact hello@specsolutions.eu.
Please note that the ticket price can be refunded only 30 days prior the given training day; in this case we charge 10% handling fee. Should the course be cancelled due to our fault, the full ticket price will be refunded in 5 days.
About the instructor

Gáspár is an independent coach, trainer and test automation expert focusing on helping teams implementing BDD and Reqnroll or SpecFlow. He has more than 20 years of experience in enterprise software development as he worked as an architect and agile developer coach.
Gáspár Nagy is the creator and main contributor of Reqnroll and SpecFlow, regular conference speaker, blogger (http://gasparnagy.com), editor of the “BDD Addict” monthly newsletter (http://bddaddict.com), and co-author of “The BDD Books: Discovery” and “The BDD Books: Formulation” (http://bddbooks.com).
He has been developing a synchronization tool called SpecSync that integrates Gherkin-based scenarios to Azure DevOps.