HomeCoursesBDD with Reqnroll course

BDD with Reqnroll course

“Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.”

Official course with the creator of Reqnroll and SpecFlow on implementing Behavior Driven Development on the .NET platform

This BDD with Reqnroll training is available in a remotely facilitated form and also as an in-house private course. Course length may be either 3 days or 5 x 4 hours.

For private courses the training material can be customized to get more focused learning addressing the exact needs of your team. Private courses can also be combined with follow-up coaching and consulting options. Contact us for finding out what option would be the best for you.


Both editions of the Reqnroll course (3-day and 5×4 hour-long ones) show how to migrate from SpecFlow to Reqnroll, how to write and maintain executable specification using the Gherkin feature file format, how to drive the implementation of the application and how to design and implement a test automation layer that is easy to maintain even for larger number of tests. The attendees shall rely on a lot of exercises and discussions, through which they can learn about all important features of Reqnroll.

Check out the detailed course outline.

Learn how to:

  • migrate from SpecFlow to Reqnroll
  • work with Behavior Driven Development using Reqnroll
  • understand requirements more easily through rules and examples
  • write and maintain executable specification using the Gherkin feature file format
  • drive the implementation of the application by Gherkin scenarios
  • design and implement a test automation layer that is easy to maintain even for larger number of tests
  • automate application through the domain layer
  • automate web applications or applications with external dependencies
  • become a strong member of a BDD team
  • use all important features of Reqnroll
  • integrate these into the existing development process


The course is for developers and testers, who work with Reqnroll or SpecFlow and are involved in automating Gherkin scenarios. Product owners or business analysts who are in any relationship with coding are also welcome. The course language is usually English.

About the instructor

Gáspár Nagy is the creator and main contributor of SpecFlow and Reqnroll, regular conference speaker, blogger (http://gasparnagy.com), editor of the “BDD Addict” monthly newsletter (http://bddaddict.com), and co-author of the “BDD Books: Discovery” and “BDD Books: Formulation” (http://bddbooks.com).

He has been developing a synchronization tool called SpecSync that integrates Gherkin-based scenarios to Azure DevOps and Jira.

Gáspár is an independent coach, trainer and test automation expert focusing on helping teams implementing BDD and Reqnroll or SpecFlow. He has more than 20 years of experience in enterprise software development as he worked as an architect and agile developer coach.

  • May26
    BDD with Reqnroll remote course, 26-30 May 2025