Every year we support a foundation or an organization which has been established for education – we firmly believe that education and kids are the best investments for the future, as kids are the future innovators and inventors (who may turn BDD addicts one day ;-)…). Please note that neither Spec Solutions Kft nor any of their employees will directly or indirectly benefit from the support.

The mission of Rocking Horse Foundation for Children’s Rights (Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány) is to enforce and support the rights of children living in Hungary. Since 2016 they have been striving to look after children on every field of life. Beside this, they help adults and institutions to give the right answers to children’s needs. They think: children’s rights are a worldview.

Their vision:
- To protect children from violence.
- Having a child protection that can offer sufficient help to families in trouble.
- To ensure safety and security for children both in the online and the real world.
- To make everybody acquainted with children’s rights and have these rights respected by everyone.
- To let children’s voice and opinions be heard and listened to.
Their mission:
- To create safe communities with the help of NEMECSEK Program
- They help the child protection signalling system – they cooperate with local municipalities.
- They deal with the challenges of digital childhood and give answers to them.
- With the help of professional materials they make children’s rights accessible and understandable.
- With training courses (Hintalovon Akadémia) they support and offer tools for responsible adults.
- They ensure the quality participation of children.
- On their open days they give advice to parents and professionals.
Support the foundation with the price of a cup of coffee:
Hintalovon Gyermekjogi Alapítvány
IBAN: HU44 1160 0006 0000 0000 7766 8686 (Erste Bank, BIC/Swift: GIBAHUHB)
Thank you!
Indahouse Hungary Association supports and mentors children in Borsod county, one of the poorest Hungarian regions. Christmas time is always a heavy period for families there.
Indahouse has launched a campaign with a new system to collect Christmas gifts for children: the children could make a wish list from a certain catalogue, then Indahouse was searching for supporters, sponsors who could adopt the children’s wish list. We were happy to adopt 5 children’s wish list, we hope they enjoyed their gift.

Photos’ source: https://indahousehungary.hu/indahouse-karacsony
Support InDaHouse Hungary Association with the price of a cup of coffee! Thank you !
IBAN: HU79 1160 0006 0000 0000 8357 2155 (Erste Bank, BIC/Swift: GIBAHUHB)
In 2022 we supported UNICEF Hungary – an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. Their work is highly important in the Ukrainian crisis, as they support health care services, food supply, access to clean water, immunization, education and the protection of children and their families on the spot and in the neighbouring countries.
UNICEF has been active in Ukraine since 1997, donations and supplies are being delivered continually. The conflict that has been lasting for about 8 years endangers the physical and mental health of children. UNICEF and partners gave mental support to 70.000 children who live in the territories struck by the conflict. With the escalation of the events in 2022, the number of women and children forced to escape is constantly rising.

Why to support UNICEF? Because UNICEF
- works globally, it is present in about 190 countries
- has a positive fame
- is a transparent organization
- is independent
- has expertise
- is open to innovation
- presents a sustainable performance and results
Support UNICEF! Thank you!
Banking accounts (UNICEF Hungary):
- OTP 11705008-29913358-00000000 (IBAN: HU74 11705008 29913358 00000000; BIC: OTPVHUHB)
- MKB 10300002-10584128-49020017 (IBAN: HU55 10300002 105841284 9020017; BIC: MKKBHUHB)

In the summer of 2022 we supported the campaign “Adopt an InDaHouse summer camp!” by InDaHouse Hungary Association.
Once upon a time in a hot summer week somewhere in one of the poorer regions of Hungary 14 children and 8 volunteers of the associaton enjoyed working together on a gastro project and a programming project.
In the gastro project, the children enchanted each other with making great dishes, whereas the programmers’ team developed exciting games, which could be tested on the camp closing day.
In the programming camp, the first day started with training when the children practised with various programming teaching devices and games. Then there came the drawing part: the children made drawings, they were taught how to digitaize, colour and transform them to formats that can be integrated into programs.
As far as we know, it was great!
Support InDaHouse Hungary Association with the price of a cup of coffee! Thank you !
IBAN: HU79 1160 0006 0000 0000 8357 2155 (Erste Bank, BIC/Swift: GIBAHUHB)

2020 and 2021 – INDAHOUSE HUNGARY
In 2020 and 2021 we supported InDaHouse Hungary Association – an association engaged in ensuring equal chances in education for kids living in one of the poorest region of Hungary. Below please find some info about their activity.
The volunteers of InDaHouse Hungary Association weekly deliver skill development lessons in individual and group form for socially disadvantaged kids living in the small villages of Borsod county. Their goal is to help those kids to become self-reliant, responsible and self-fulfilling adults, who can integrate the support they have been given in the education of their kids later on. To achieve this goal, volunteers travel to Borsod to deliver skill development lessons both for individuals and pupil groups on the spot. The association provides a mentoring programme for the kids. The volunteers are granted professional support and background.
The first lesson was delivered in 2014 in a small village called Pere. Since then the numbers have increased: the engaged members from 2 to 120, the kids from 20 to 100, the settlements from 1 to 4, and the centre moved from Pere to Hernádszentandrás.
InDaHouse Hungary Association works with kids in two fields: early childhood development and school development.
One reason for building the system on volunteers is that it is a programme fostering social solidarity, where the volunteers coming from luckier backgrounds meet children growing up in poorer families living in an isolated and less stimulating environment. They work, learn and play together and this way the social differences get smaller, kids integrate into the larger society, even though it is currently possible in the 4 mentored villages only. The social goal of the programme can be realized only with the help of volunteers.
Volunteers are welcome for dealing with kids under 6, for kids between 6 and 16, mentoring and preparing exercise sheets. If you feel like joining but you cannot afford commuting, online help is also highly appreciated (so that online competencies can be developed as well).
A proof of the engagement of the association is that they have built a house of their own for the programme. The InDaHouse Volunteers’ and Children’s Centre was built in Hernádszentandrás by 600 volunteers from the donation of more than 1200 supporters and 20 companies.
Support InDaHouse Hungary Association with the price of a cup of coffee! Thank you!
IBAN: HU79 1160 0006 0000 0000 8357 2155 (Erste Bank, BIC/Swift: GIBAHUHB)

In 2019 we supported Pentele XXI. Oktatásért Művészetért Alapítvány – a foundation raised for supporting Pentelei School.
Pentelei School – a school in Hungary that has not given up the „black sheep” of education
An institution offering primary school, secondary school, grammar school and vocational school education for those pupils who cannot fit into the system for some reason. In order to raise and turn kids into strong and well-balanced adults, the basics have to be fixed and strengthened – and here can PENTELEIness help a lot.
- mentoring / individual care giving from teachers to pupils – conflict treating, problem solving, inspiration
- learning support program with a restorative approach
- 35 min long lessons
- small groups
- warm-up period between 8 and 9 am every morning
- the first lesson starts at 9 am
- lessons assisted by a dog (called Nova)
- individual development and progression
Support PENTELEIness with the price of a cup of coffee! Thank you!
Pentele XXI. Oktatásért Művészetért Alapítvány / Erste Bank 11600006-00000000-84472137